The Congress of the Future is a meeting for scientific dissemination where citizens are exposed to problems that society faces or will face in the future.
In it's seventh version, held on January from 15th to 21th, in the former National Congress building, and will be organized by the Senate's Future Challenges Comission, whose goal is to bridge the great scientific progress with the citizenship and every group that comprise society. Amelie Kim Cheang, content director of the Congress of the Future, explains that the main topic is awareness as a neuroscientific concept, but also as an idea of consciensce and sensilization.
Our project "Global Youth Climate Pact", has been invited to participate in the Congress of Future. Therefore, we selected 4 investigation works from our Chilean educational establishments to represent our project on January 21. These projects are: Hydroponic System for everyone, from Lyceum Cordillera de Chincolco, Valparaíso Region; Towards a Sustainable Education: The Carbon Footprint of Santiago's Communes, from Lyceum 1 Javiera Carrera, Metropolitan Region; Monitoring Climate Change, from Lyceum Paulo Freire de Quellón, Los Lagos Region; Social and historical study on Global Warming and Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters in the O'Higgins Region, from Lyceum San Fernando Industrial, Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins Region.