• 2015

    Our project was born in 2014 with a view to COP 21 to be developed in the city of Paris. The Global Youth Climate Compact project, although not present with young people for security reasons, brings the results of their work to the authorities gathered in France.

  • 2016

    The project in this Conference has a participation, being able to show the results of its action research projects in the city of Marrakech.

  • 2017

    Launching of the world youth observatory, understood as a space for reflection that aims to communicate and consolidate the level of information on ecological knowledge related to climate change and its effects.

  • 2018

    The project will participate actively in the COP 24, with the exhibition in Poland of the action works that they carry out in their schools.

  • 2019

    Preparations for the Youth Summit for Climate.

  • 2020

    Coming soon the International Summit of the World Youth Climate Pact. More details of the projection towards 2020 (document .PDF)


Our project was born in 2014,

in the framework of the COP21 summit on climate change, where it was necessary to recognize the importance of placing young people from all over the world at the center of the debate and giving voice to their concerns and proposals.

In the context of 20 other participating countries, and under the scientific direction of Alfredo Pena Vega (Center Edgar Morin, EHSS / CNRS, Paris, France), the Global Youth Climate Pact project has been present in schools from different parts of the world, accompanying diverse projects of awareness to adapt to diverse local problems of the climatic change, and has delivered consumptions and realizing exhibitions so much in the COP 21 in Paris, (2015) like in the COP 22 (2016) in Marrakech.

Our approach promotes the need to develop competences in students to understand the different dimensions and challenges for the planet and our community, the evolution of climate change and the need to generate capacities to adapt to these changes, and generate new "answers" that demand develop good educational practices.

  • A sensitization of high school students to the challenges of the effects of climate change, through the intervention of university professors and scientists in the classroom.
  • Deepen discussions with researchers.
  • Una colección de propuestas que nace delos estudiantes y sus debates, gracias a la investigación-acción.
  • A collection of proposals born from the students and their debates, thanks to action research. Share and validate the various proposals of all high school students mobilized nationally and internationally, and the presentation of these proposals to the Climate Change Conferences.

Work Team in Chile
  • CNational Coordinator Chile: Dr. Luis Flores
  • Region Arica and Parinacota Coordinator: Dr. Mario Sandoval
  • Coordinator Region of Valparaíso: Dr. Sergio Eleortegui
  • Metropolitan Region Coordinator: Dra. Carolina García
  • Coordinator Region of O'Higgins and Maule: Mg. María José Ahumada
  • Web designer and developer: Santiago Chiong.