Read about the investigation projects being developed around the world.
Educational Establishments
Participating Students
By Countries
In the O'Higgins Region, Chile. Project of San Fernando, Chile.
Global Warming and Natural Disasters
Global Warming and Natural Disasters
Pollution in Talca due to the effects of polluting gases coming from the vehicular field of collectives.
Pollutant gases in Talca
Pollutant gases in Talca
A tool to fight against climate change.
Scruber for wood heater
Scruber for wood heater
Measurement of CO2 Footprint in the College of Santiago: "Towards a Sustainable Education", Santiago, Chile
Measuring CO2 in College
Measuring CO2 in College
Project from Quellón, Chile.
Measuring Climate Change
Measuring Climate Change
The sequestration of carbon in the soils of the Azapa Valley as an alternative for energy efficiency and adaptation to climate change. Arica, Chile
Energy Efficiency in Valle Azapa
Energy Efficiency in Valle Azapa
Project from College Cordillera. Chincolco, Valparaíso, Chile.
Hydroponic System for all
Hydroponic System for all
Quand les collectifs d’acteurs locaux se mobilisent pour la transition écologique.
La transition écologique, ici et ensemble
La transition écologique, ici et ensemble
La France s’apprête à recevoir une nouvelle fois la communauté climatique internationale.
Giec : une nouvelle ère
Giec : une nouvelle ère
In Colombia there is a large amount of land with problems, and our idea is to give Colombians a company to help them restore the arid lands. Project based on an analysis of the terrain to discover what the problems are and thus be able to find an adequate solution.
Earth Recovery
Earth Recovery